martes, 1 de julio de 2008

The Reign of Spain: campeones de Europa (de casi todo)

Aprovechando que el Pisuerga pasa por Viena, los intrépidos reporteros del The Independent -capitaneados por Elizabeth Nash, su corresponsal en Madrid– nos sirven hoy un empalagoso baño de triunfalismo patriótico sin matices ni sombras en el horizonte. Todo un repaso a los mejores topicazos nacionales –tapas y Almodóvar incluidos– a los que ahora se incorporan Ferran Adriá, Zara y la ministra Chacón:
Spain is enjoying a moment of glory. Last night's triumphal homecoming of Euro 2008's conquering heroes revealed everything that is good about Spaniards today, their spontaneity, their gregarious sociability, their unbridled – sometimes excessive – lust for partying.

The celebrations have shown something else: that Spain is enjoying a new confidence, a relaxed sense of national pride, a self-esteem it has rarely if ever experienced before, divested of old complexes. One of the commonest comments made by those celebrating Sunday's victory was "I'm proud to be Spanish" and "I've never felt more Spanish". And they said it without the defiance you used to hear, but naturally, with joy in their faces. They were not trying to convince you of their superiority. They were having fun... + SIGUE AQUÍ >>>

Me recuerda mucho a los artículos que se multiplicaban en la prensa europea durante el verano del 92. Justo antes del largo invierno del 93.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Genial, absolutamente genial. Que viva Espana. Arriba. Por aqui del otro lado del Atlantico habemos muchos que somos hinchas de este maravilloso pais desde hace rato.
Un beso a todos ustedes.

angela posada-swafford